Drew's studio news - June 2024

JUNE 2024

The studio has been heating up around here as I've been creating at a feverish pitch. I have more time lately, so I've been spending a lot of time in the studio, working in my sketchbooks. I'm hoping, soon, to have a collection to sell- more on that later.

On to studio news...


Recent studio work

This month has been a whirlwind of creativity. With some extra time on my hands, I've been diving deep into my sketchbooks, crafting collages and mixed media pieces that feel more and more like "me".

I've been experimenting with all sorts of new media lately. There's something oddly satisfying about tearing up posters pulled straight from the walls of NYC buildings and giving them a new lease on life. And markers have become my new best friends, adding pops of color to my evolving mixed media pieces.

It's amazing how something as simple as torn posters and markers can spark so much inspiration.

A month(+) in the mountains

In just under a week I will be headed back to Colorado for 6 weeks! I'm looking forward to cool mountain air, hiking through pine forests, and making art inspired by the landscape. πŸ”πŸŒ²πŸŽ¨

This is the third time in four years that Greg, Fred, and I have spent significant time in Colorado during the summer. When I tell people how long we are spending there they usually ask what we do all day. Most days we go on a hike or walk in the morning. Then "work from home" and make art, sometimes we spend time exploring the local area. Then we take an evening walk/hike after dinner.

I love being in the mountains... it's probably the only place that makes me overly emotional... I feel it in my body, almost like I'm from there or belong there. πŸ”πŸ₯°πŸ”

I will be sharing in my Instagram stories so you can follow along.


Nancey B. Price

My current Instagram art crush is Nancey B. Price.

Nancey B. Price is an artist based in the US state of Georgia. She is a self-taught collage artist, writer and storyteller with an appreciation for all things Black, Southern and imaginative.

Check out Nancey's work.


Six collage tools I can’t live without

Making small, quick collages in my sketchbook is an easy way to add some art in my daily life. And… it’s easy when you have the right tools like my favorite collaging sketchbook, my go-to rotary cutter, glue, among others.

Click to learn more on my blog.


Tips: showing up & working consistently in your studio.


The Made Remarkable Podcast interview