Drew’s Blog
BLOG! Travel with me on my artistic journey and learn about my happy discoveries. Happy browsing!
Tutorial: how to make single prints with multiple layers on a gel plate
My secrets for layered gel plate prints.
Tutorial: using junk mail catalogs as sketchbooks
I’ll show you how to make a sketchbook from junk mail!
Art supplies: basic supplies for gel plate printing
All the supplies you need to start gel plate printing.
Tutorial: Using silicone color shapers on gel plates
Tutorial: Using silicone color shapers on gel plates
Tutorial: How Drew makes his mixed media collages
Tutorial: How Drew makes his mixed media collages
The Mind Over Medium podcast interview
My interview with Lea Ann at the Mind Over Medium podcast.
Tutorial: tips for successful gel plate magazine transfers
Tutorial: tips for successful gel plate magazine transfers
Tutorial: gel printed booklet made from one sheet of paper
Tutorial: Learn how to make a gel printed booklet made from one sheet of paper.
Tutorial: gel plate printing in a vintage book.
Tutorial: gel plate printing in an old book.
Tips: showing up & working consistently in your studio.
Five tips for showing up and working consistently in your art studio.
The Made Remarkable Podcast interview
My interview with Kellee at the Made Remarkable podcast.
Tutorial: make layered monoprints using your own stencils.
Tutorial: make your own layered prints on a gel plate